Last night I made my way over to the student center. As a senior, this was my first experience to such an occassion but I had heard from several sources that Sean Astin, actor, most famous for his roles in films including Goonies, Rudy, and Lord of the Rings, was in town.
Goonies was your typical 80's kids movie that everyone has seen and to which now is a standard joke at keg parties. Rudy may be one of the first movies I remember being emotionally inticing. As a sucker for the underdog, Rudy was inspiring and helped me through a few suicude sprints in my high school day. Ah, Lord of the Rings - The grown up version of Harry Potter. Suspenseful, thrilling, action packed, well acted, directed, blah blah blah.. everything that makes a movie great.
Sean Astin. He has vital roles in each of these films. I was no less than thrilled to hear what he had to say. Through the grapevine, I hear he is here to promote his book, There and Back Again. The event begins with a stream of clips from the many appearances he has made. The 800 or so students and faculty who came were amped. What do you expect after hearing his locker room speech from Rudy?
As I am with most celebrities, I am always surprised at how normal he is. Astin's speech was similar to that of an Oscar speech....but longer. He thanked God for his family and gave credit to his Mom and Dad (who apparently were famous actors too). He gabbed about his wife and kids and how he is enternally greatful. He was able to carry on an entertaining and well written oral presentation while appropriately making comical references to his movies. He seemed happy, content, and proud of his accomplishments. With good reason, I must add. I was impressed with his vocab and his list of philanthropic ventures as he read, yes read, his words. My critique is this: While he boasted about his college degree in History and Literature, he most likely did not take a public speaking course. In the words of my own professor, "I saw the top of his head more than his face." What a bummer!
As we entered our Q&A session, I was excited to hear how he would respond without his trusty notes in front of him. Again I was satisfied with his showy ability to use big words but what impressed me most was that he was actually funny! This, mind you, is the quality I am most vulnerable for. He fired answers back at students with wit and charisma. He effecitevly used metaphors, and mocked politics as well as his previously played characters. His acting skills paid off because he was well versed, speaking with conviction and all the while showing integrity and confidence.
Q&A began to bore me after students became comfortable enough to ask questions like "Want to go grab a brew?" and "Will you marry me?". I left early slightly annoyed at this but was happy to hear a few entertaining words from Astin. I may not buy his book, as I am a financially struggling student, but I would be excited to hear what others have to say. I'm guessing it might leave it's readers thinking, "RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY..."
21 Jump Street
12 years ago
suicide sprints? i know this had to be before the Fabs formed :)