About Me:

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Snellville, Georgia, United States
About Me? Well, I have decided to throw my myself into the vulnerable atmosphere of online blogging. Why? Because as a born-n-raised southern girl, I’ve moved to the foreign country of Miami, FL with no friends, no espanol, and only a job to concern myself, I figured it might be fun to share my experiences. I’ve always wanted to prove I can do things on my own and here’s my chance. I like idea of blogging for a couple reasons. I want to share, and boast a tiny bit, but for the most part, I need the outlet since Im living alone, far away from the comfort of my Atlanta neighborhood. SO pardon the not-so-eliquently written wave of good & bad updates, Miami-themed what-have-yous, and a few expected pictures - all that will essentially tell the story of how I am learning to live on my own. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

13.1 bound

I looked in the mirror thats provided for me in the basement here at my parent's house. It's a floor-to-ceiling, two door mirror that makes for a full-body reflection. Eee! Time to get down to business!
Today I started my training. My goal: 13.1 miles by April 24th. So far I can run one mile, walk half, then run again until the two mile marker. If anything, it's a start...
The race is the half marathon in Nashville. Not only am I doing this to boost myself esteem, start pumping some positive edorphins, but most importantly, get skinny. If that isn't enough, we've got about five people participating and I am honestly excited about the road trip! I've never been out in "Nash-Vegas".
I'm comforted in the fact that I have done it once before, about three years ago, with my sister, Jenni. I took an entire year off afterward to recover... Every once in a while now, I go through a two week phase of running and exercising. I havent run in about a month now. Things are about to change. This is not a new year's resolution, those never work. This is a "get serious or get chubby" deal!

Here we go!

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