About Me:

My photo
Snellville, Georgia, United States
About Me? Well, I have decided to throw my myself into the vulnerable atmosphere of online blogging. Why? Because as a born-n-raised southern girl, I’ve moved to the foreign country of Miami, FL with no friends, no espanol, and only a job to concern myself, I figured it might be fun to share my experiences. I’ve always wanted to prove I can do things on my own and here’s my chance. I like idea of blogging for a couple reasons. I want to share, and boast a tiny bit, but for the most part, I need the outlet since Im living alone, far away from the comfort of my Atlanta neighborhood. SO pardon the not-so-eliquently written wave of good & bad updates, Miami-themed what-have-yous, and a few expected pictures - all that will essentially tell the story of how I am learning to live on my own. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones Proverbs 17:22

Monday, 25 January 2010

Movie Review

I had heard it was profound. That was the only word Jenni could use when I asked her about it but her expression gave more. I knew it would be a good one.

Last night I saw The Book of Eli.

Please understand that I am a sensitive person when it comes to movies. However you are suppose to feel during a scene, I feel that way times ten! This is why I don't watch scary movies.
This movie had me amped up with emotion by the time I left. It took me a few minutes to get back to normal blood pressure. Have you ever felt that way or am I the only one? After a movie, it feels odd to go back out into reality. I was so distracted by the movie, that I forget that real life exists, temporarily, of course.

The movie was dramatic. It began with a depressing story of anger and killing. Not unusual for my man Denzel. After yet another murderous rampage topped off with an assumed rape, I turned to my date expressing my regrets for watching such an unsettling film. With knees brought to my chest for comfort, the movie changed course and began the road to one of the best, most gratifying movies I had seen in a long time. I was encouraged by Denzel's motivation and was intrigued by the fictional story of life after "it happened". If you ask me, I define a great movie with it's ability to effectively bring its audience to feel a wide variety of emotions while skillfully transitioning to each. Thank God for comic relief!

I strongly recommend the movie to anyone. Even those who don't like gory scenes, it is worth it in the end.

1 comment:

  1. is it sad that the only thing I got from this, is who was your date? hahaha. except i probably already know. ha
