About Me:

My photo
Snellville, Georgia, United States
About Me? Well, I have decided to throw my myself into the vulnerable atmosphere of online blogging. Why? Because as a born-n-raised southern girl, I’ve moved to the foreign country of Miami, FL with no friends, no espanol, and only a job to concern myself, I figured it might be fun to share my experiences. I’ve always wanted to prove I can do things on my own and here’s my chance. I like idea of blogging for a couple reasons. I want to share, and boast a tiny bit, but for the most part, I need the outlet since Im living alone, far away from the comfort of my Atlanta neighborhood. SO pardon the not-so-eliquently written wave of good & bad updates, Miami-themed what-have-yous, and a few expected pictures - all that will essentially tell the story of how I am learning to live on my own. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


Tonight I'm just in one of those peeved moods. And it started because of Number 10.

10. Misspelling my name on Facebook... IT'S RIGHT THERE!!!

9. And this motion...
I see this and it's instant anger.

8. Singing the wrong words to a song... (Sallie Garner Williams)

Singing over me in the car... (Sallie Garner Williams)

7. Phil Mickelson's SHORT sleeves

6. Accidental iPhone Muting.
(Purposeful "Mute": RULES!)

5. Pageant-girl personalities... Just act natural!

4. Amanda Bynes... Just act normal!

3. The fact that the "Door Close" and "Door Open" elevator buttons take 1 second too long to figure out which is which and then in the end, they do NOTHING!
Close! GO! Hurry! Noooo!
Dang it.

Tell me that's not hard to read during a panicky glance!

2. these buggers:
because they make these buggers:

....GROSS! Don't Google "bug bites".

Y Numero Uno:
Calling it "di-a-bet-us"

You may say "coo-pons" or "pee-cans" or something really dumb like "tome-ah-toes" but let it be understood... It's "di-a-beet-eeees" "...eeeee". Say it! "Eeeeeeeees"!

ok, I feel good.

Love, Carole
(with an "e")