About Me:

My photo
Snellville, Georgia, United States
About Me? Well, I have decided to throw my myself into the vulnerable atmosphere of online blogging. Why? Because as a born-n-raised southern girl, I’ve moved to the foreign country of Miami, FL with no friends, no espanol, and only a job to concern myself, I figured it might be fun to share my experiences. I’ve always wanted to prove I can do things on my own and here’s my chance. I like idea of blogging for a couple reasons. I want to share, and boast a tiny bit, but for the most part, I need the outlet since Im living alone, far away from the comfort of my Atlanta neighborhood. SO pardon the not-so-eliquently written wave of good & bad updates, Miami-themed what-have-yous, and a few expected pictures - all that will essentially tell the story of how I am learning to live on my own. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones Proverbs 17:22

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Living By Yourself: Lesson One

Lesson One: Expect the Unexpected

Its interesting how things happen and its interesting to see how your life plays out. The foreshadowing recently has been amazing. For Mother’s Day, the family got together at the lake for the first time since all the new news. Jen points out that just a few weeks prior, Daddy had stated that he felt our lives were about to change. (I love to hear what my dad has to say. He doesn’t say too much with four other girls around but when he does, he’s very interesting. Eh, well he’s also corny, but what do you expect from a Dad?)Soon after his statement, I accepted a job transfer to Miami, Sallie graduated from UGA, found a dream job at the Spinal Center and moved home, and Jennifer was promoted to a new job at as a writer. I also guess, and dare I say, that she may be engaged within the year but who knows.

So Wow! My Dad was right…. a statement like that isn’t something you just say everyday! And does my dad have the gift of prophesy and I didn't know it?

Life is constantly moving forward, but this is the time when it seems we have been thrust into what should be 5 years from now. Just last week, I was making a late night run to Yoforia with the roommates while Sallie was in town and now here I am in an apartment by myself and a fancy-schmancy(ish)job title. Kel is engaged, Sar is buying a house with Tony, and Laur is on a “fertility plan”! When? How? What the heck has happened? I thought I just graduated from study sessions and after-parties!? I’m supposed to be touring the streets of downtown Athens and taking hikes to Stanford Stadium on Saturdays!

No, Carole. Jump ahead 5 years to today, except its literally only been a year and a half. Go to work and stop whining!

SO here I am in Miami. The sexy city of beaches, palm trees, and hoity-toity nightlife. After a tearful goodbye dropping off Mom at the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, I am back to my new apartment with no internet, no tv, and no friends. I sat down in the living room taking in the atmosphere and wondering what I should do next. So I sorted through the countertop clutter that had accumulated over the past week, grabbed a glass of wine, called the Fabs (only Laur answered), had another glass of wine, and took a nap (modernized/oversized wine glasses will get ya!). I then woke up and started the process over again. I sat up, looked around at my new home and wondered what I should do next….. (again: wine, nap, no idea what to do... wine)

Ok, ok, I literally say outloud to my somewhat furnished condo, maybe it’s time to pack up and go back to real life in Atlanta where I belong? Maybe I should snap out of this adult thing that has somehow greeted me with loneliness and vino and stop playing “Young Professional” – the term I constantly keep hearing for the area I chose to live in.

But NOPE! This is it! No turning back now. Smooth move, Car! What were you thinking? The only thing to occupy my mind is the fear of loneliness and strategizing what I can concoct for my next dinner guests to be arriving in no less than 14 weeks.

SO a few things I am thinking about while hashing out this first blog post in 6 months:

I am continuously amazed by how much putting my life in His hands is rewarding. I am thinking about how just a month ago, my only thoughts were how I was too stressed with work and I needed to start relying on my faith more. Talk about watching what you ask for! I have spent the past several months praying for a way that will allow me to rely solely on Him. Well, here you go, Carole! He responds with FINE, you’re shipped off to Miami to be by yourself and with no one to seek help from but Me.
Only HE is my companion. Only He can comfort me. Only He will keep me strong to live my life in a world without the one thing I need most, company.

Tonight starts the breaking point. I am cautiously excited to be broken, to be weak, to start over in my relationship with Jesus and to begin a new life trusting God’s plan. This is what I asked for and this is what I’m going to get. Hallelujah! Bring it on!

Anyone who reads this, pray for me!


1 comment:

  1. I am on a NOT fertility plan. Planning how NOT to get pregnant. jerk! You're lucky I love you. And you're lucky I know how successful you are going to be in Miami! I am envious of your attitude and outlook on life. He will see you through and you will be so fulfilled! Love you, Car!
