I made my lunch, picked out my outfit, went to bed early. The next day, this morning, was my first day at American Diabetes Association! A real unpaid, temporary, full time JOB! When my alarm went off I took advantage of my excitement and only pressed snooze once. After coffee, hair, make up, and one and a half blueberry muffins, I was running out the door to fight rush hour and listen to talk-radio like real adults do. I glanced at my laptop as I grabbed my keys, noticing one recent email. After a slight hesitation from debating how long it was going to take to check the email, I check the email.
Email is from my boss at Am. Diabetes saying she is sick and that I don't need to come in until Tuesday... "All dressed up and no place to go" (facebook status update in my moment of self pity)
With a text asking what I was going to do with my day off, I had a change of heart. A day off? That's right! Carole, take advantage! ...and so I did
Today's tasks consisted of: (1)starting Season Two of 30ROCK (2)matching returns with receipts (3)making returns while also making purchases (4)reheating leftover pizza (5)"training" for my half marathon(6)finishing Season Two of 30ROCK while blogging and next Ill be making my lunch for tomorrow, picking out of outfit, and going to bed early.
My thoughts on 30ROCK: hilaaarious. I love watching adults with the maturity level of teenagers but with clever banter that makes refernces to popular culture. My fav characters are Kenneth, the page and Alec Baldwin's sexy voice. Oh baby!
Training update: Two miles without stopping today!!
21 Jump Street
12 years ago